Category: UPC Codes

We recommend after purchasing you register your UPC codes at the vendor you first plan to sell.  For example, with Amazon, you can do so following the instructions here. The next step in the Barcode/Product Association/Registration process for you as the …

Do I need to register my UPC Codes? Read More »

UPC codes can’t be randomly generated.  They are issued by the GS1 in sets of prefixes.  You are not required in own the prefix.  In order to get a UPC for Amazon, you must purchase one from the GS1 or …

How to generate a UPC code for Amazon Read More »

A barcode is simply a visual representation of a UPC/EAN code.  We send barcodes by default with all orders, though if you need specific sizes, please visit our Barcodes page where you can generate them as needed with your UPCs.  You …

How do I buy a barcode? Read More »

We sell codes starting at $5 per code, with bulk discounts available. UPC code prices vary on the internet, but we’re the cheapest legitimate seller online.  Be careful of companies selling cheaper codes online as there are a lot of …

How much are UPC codes? Read More »

When you’re creating a new listing on Amazon, you may come across this error or one similar to it: This error can occur for multiple reasons and it’s not possible to know exactly why this error is happening without troubleshooting …

You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list. Read More »

In the world of online retail, Amazon stands as a colossus, offering a platform for millions of sellers to reach a global audience. If you’re looking to join the ranks of Amazon sellers, one crucial step you’ll need to take …

How do I buy a UPC code for Amazon? Read More »

You can purchase UPC codes directly on our site at  All of our codes come from the GS1 with no renewal or hidden fees, and are delivered instantly at checkout.  They work with all vendors including Amazon, Google Shopping, …

How do you buy UPC codes? Read More »

You can watch the video below to get started buying UPC barcodes right now for your products – can use them immediately.  Buy at now. The process is a simple 3 step process that takes less than 5 minutes: …

How to Buy UPC Codes & Barcodes (2023) Read More »
