The validity of a Product ID is checked against the GS1 GEPIR and databases

Product ID Validity Check on Amazon: Using GS1 GEPIR and Databases

When adding products to Amazon, you may encounter an error regarding the validity of a product ID. This happens because Amazon cross-references the Product ID (UPC, EAN, GTIN) with the GS1 GEPIR and databases to confirm authenticity.

What You Need to Know
If your Product ID is not registered with GS1, Amazon might suppress the linked ASIN or even revoke product creation privileges. This is especially enforced for sellers in Amazon’s Brand Registry program.  All of the codes we sell at are GS1/UCC codes that will work fine on Amazon, without the renewal fees.

Simple acknowledge the message and check the “Don’t show this again” option.  Then click the “Got it” button and continue with the listing as normal.

Need a UPC for your listing? You can purchase UPC barcodes from us here.

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