Barcodes For Alcohol / Liquor


Globally, most liquor labels have barcodes on them. It is crucial for retailers to have product barcodes in order to keep track of their stock and facilitate sales. Our company has been selling barcodes to liquor companies for years and you can trust us for your UPC barcode needs.

The Challenge

Bootleggers have taken advantage of the increasing demand for liquor by selling fake liquor packed in original bottles. You might be paying a premium for a Johnnie Walker or Chivas Regal, but the chances are your local distributor might be selling a cheap whiskey packaged in a nice bottle. Most people find it very difficult to tell the difference between fake and authentic alcohol by just looking at it in the store. Additionally, some bootleggers blend different types of alcohol together to mimic the original taste.

Barcodes For Liquor

The barcode liquor industry faces unique challenges. We at understand these challenges. Considering all the options available, where do you turn, and who is reputable? Our customers often tell us that barcoding liquors seem like an overwhelming task. Should they have a UPC and a case code (SCC)? What is the standard practice imposed by state liquor boards or provincial liquor control boards?

We Are An Expert In Barcoding For Liquor

Having been in the business for many years, we have been able to provide different stores and liquor shops with barcodes solution for their products. In addition to providing barcodes for your liquor, our knowledgeable and experienced staff will answer your questions regarding barcoding for liquors.

For barcoding liquor bottles and cases of liquor, we are deeply familiar with the requirements of many State liquor boards or Provincial liquor control boards. As a business owner, you are faced with many challenges when trying to get your products to market, barcoding requirements should not be one of them.

Frequently Asked Questions About Barcodes For Liquor (FAQs)

Here you will find answers to many of the most frequently asked questions regarding barcodes for liquor. If you need assistance, feel free to contact us.

#1. What kind of barcode do I need for a bottle of liquor?

A UPC code is required for liquor bottles. A UPC code is a standard 12-digit barcode found on the packaging of any retail product sold in retail outlets.

#2. Do I need to get different UPC codes for different flavors of liquor?

Yes, you need to get different UPC codes for different flavors. In order for the computer systems of your retailers to know whether the cashier at the register just scanned your a different flavor from the regular, the different types/flavors must have a different UPC code. Otherwise, it would not be possible for them to keep a proper count of inventory.

#3. Do I need a different UPC code for the different sizes of liquor bottles?

Yes. The inventory management software at your store must be able to differentiate the different sizes of liquor bottles.

#4. How do I barcode different vintages of liquor?

To simplify things, if you have two vintages of your product in the same liquor store, but at different prices, then you will need different UPC codes to show the difference.

To simplify things, if you have different vintages of your liquor in your store, but at different prices, then you will need different UPC codes to show the difference. This will allow the computer to differentiate among them and bring up the correct price for the given vintage.

#5. What are the barcode requirements for packages of liquor?

Barcoding cases of liquor are one of the more overlooked aspects of liquor barcodes. The UPC code on a bottle is required to be included in the case barcode, as well as a shipping container barcode (SCC-14). These codes are used by state liquor boards to verify the legitimacy of the products.  We can provide both the UPC and the SCC-14 codes for your business.

#6. How do I get barcodes for liquor and liquor packages?

On our website, navigate to the “Buy UPC Barcode” page and place your order. Or contact us here.

#7. When do I get my liquor barcode order?

You get it immediately. Instant digital delivery and ready to use immediately.

#8. What do I get when I order a liquor barcode?

You get 12-Digit UPCs and Barcode Files for your liquor, Ready to Use. High-Resolution PNG, JPG, TIFF, and PDF formats are also included with the order.

#9. Where do I use a liquor barcode?

Our barcodes work online and in retailers’ stores worldwide. No Renewal Fees or Hidden Charges!

Should you need any assistance with ordering a barcode for your liquor products, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be willing to help at

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