Category: Documentation

UPC Barcode Help/Documentation

There is no central database for the hundreds of millions of UPCs that exist.  Each vendor registers the UPC to the product information (type, price, etc.) in their own database based on the scanner/POS system they have setup. However, there …

How do I look up a UPC code? Read More »

When you’re creating a new listing on Amazon, you may come across this error or one similar to it: This error can occur for multiple reasons and it’s not possible to know exactly why this error is happening without troubleshooting …

You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list. Read More »

If you’re a new online seller and you need a UPC code, renting the code directly from GS1 will cost hundreds of dollars and require yearly renewal fees. However, with the help of legitimate barcode sellers like us, you can …

Why buy from instead of the GS1 or others? Read More »

It is important to buy your barcodes from a legitimate barcode provider because there are a lot of issues that can arise down the road if you buy illegitimate codes. As you list your product on Amazon, you may encounter …

Common Amazon Errors Read More »

You can watch the video below to get started buying UPC barcodes right now for your products – can use them immediately.  Buy at now. The process is a simple 3 step process that takes less than 5 minutes: …

How to Buy UPC Codes & Barcodes (2023) Read More »
